The Model: S-AI-L (Simulated, Adventure Inspired, Learning)

At the day of it’s inauguration, the Maze is based on an Instructional Design Model called S-AI-L (Simulated, Adventure Inspired – Learning). This model has been inspiring the development of many learning environments for education and training.

At the heart of the model is the assumption that no learning can happen without intrinsic energy and “intrinsic motivation” as recognized in the literature cannot be relevant when content is imposed by prescribed curriculum. S-AI-L proposes shifting the source of energy from the content into the task. Based on many years of experience and research – adventures are good energizers of learning energies. Based on our own research, problem solving using a structured, collaborative decision making process, is a powerful intrinsically energizing learning task. So learning Maze design today is a process of telling an adventure story, embedded with decision making tasks, while curricular knowledge is designed to be needed for educated task solutions and successful maze completion.

~ by hyaniv on November 5, 2008.

One Response to “The Model: S-AI-L (Simulated, Adventure Inspired, Learning)”

  1. […] Maze is based on a Learning Design model called S-AI-L and includes a Web-Based Authoring System external to Second Life and a Delivery System (each of […]

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